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Outsource React.js Development

Enhance your digital platforms with our specialised React.js development services, a top choice for innovative web development. We create solutions that are uniquely tailored to your business needs, providing exceptional functionality and smooth user experiences, particularly in the realms of web and mobile app development.

One of the best SEO agencies in the world.

Working with Moonshot is a perfect extension of our team of Graphite.

They bring deep technical knowhow and give me comfort in their ways of working and quality, at all times, working with us and our clients. It's hard to find reliable external engineering help that delivers on time with solid architectural and engineering decisions that don't need to be redone once our team takes over the code base.

Ethan Smith. CEO, Graphite
Ethan Smith
CEO, Graphite
Teacher at Reforge
Partner Clients:
+40 projects
+26 clients
+7 years of experience
+65 specialized developers
+100 projects
+50 clients
+7 years of experience
+65 specialized developers
+100 projects
+50 clients
+7 years of experience
+65 specialized developers
+100 projects
+50 clients
+7 years of experience
+65 specialized developers

Our React Outsourcing Services

End-to-End React Solutions

We provide a comprehensive range of services from initial consultation and project scoping to development and post-launch support. 

Our holistic approach positions us as a top choice for React project outsourcing.

Agile Methodologies

Our use of agile methodologies ensures flexibility and responsiveness throughout the development process, allowing us to quickly adapt to changes and new requirements.

Dedicated Teams

We offer dedicated React development teams who focus exclusively on your project, delivering specialized attention and expertise.

Quality Assurance

Our rigorous testing and quality assurance processes ensure that the final product is not only functional but also robust and user-friendly.

Performance Optimization

We place a special focus on performance optimization, ensuring that React applications deliver smooth performance across all devices and platforms, enhancing user experience.

Benefits of Outsourcing React Development Services

Efficient Development Process

Outsourcing React development streamlines your project with well-defined sprint planning and milestone tracking. Utilizing tools like Redux for state management and jest for testing optimizes the development workflow, ensuring faster delivery.

Access Specialized Skillsets

Outsourcing connects you with React developers who possess niche skills, enhancing the technical capability and innovation in mobile app projects.

Flexibility and Scalability

With outsourcing, you can quickly adapt and scale your development team according to project needs, such as implementing advanced features with Next.js or managing complex state with Redux.

Reduced Overhead

Outsourcing cuts down on HR and infrastructure expenses, making it a strategic move for development companies aiming for cost efficiency.

Up-to-date Expertise

Outsourced developers are immersed in the latest React updates and practices, bringing cutting-edge techniques and tools to your project, like Concurrent Mode and the latest React hooks.

Reasons to Outsource React.js Development

Deepened Expertise

Access to developers with specialized, in-depth knowledge of React and its ecosystem, enhancing product quality, innovation, and the capabilities of web development companies.

Rich Experience

Benefit from the varied and extensive project experiences of seasoned React JS developers, bringing best practices to your software development initiatives.

Risk Mitigation

Expert handling of potential development pitfalls ensures project stability, security, and enhances web development outcomes.

Advanced Project Management in Software and App Development Projects

Professional management techniques streamline the software development process, keeping projects on track and within budget.

Some of our clients

We work with founders and companies backed by top VC funds and accelerators.

📗 Education Services

Education company that offers digital learning solutions and AI products.

London, England
Valued at 9.72 billion USD
🚀 Startup ecosystem

Global network for entrepreneurs with accelerators, investments, and resources.

Boulder, Colorado
$108.9M USD in funding
💻 E-commerce

Grove creates and curates high-performing, planet-first home, and personal care products

San Francisco, California
Valued at 1.32 billion USD
🏦 Venture capital

European venture capital firm focusing on early-stage startups.

Vienna, Austria
380 million USD in funding
⚕️ Healthcare

Primary care and concierge medicine  early-stage startup.

New York, United States
3.1 Million USD in funding
📗 Education Services

Multinational educational company and the world's largest language school network.

São Paulo, Brazil
Acquired by Pearson in 2013
📗 Education Services

Customer intelligence platform that analyses customer's feedback, support, and conversation data.

CDMX, México
34.8 million in funding - Series B
📗 Education Services

Online learning platform offering on-demand training and a dynamic content-driven platform.

Brisbane, Australia
Valued at 2.8 Billion USD
¿Looking to outsource your React JS development?
Let’s Talk

Why is React JS a Good Choice for Web Projects?

React JS is highly valued for its efficiency and adaptability in crafting interactive UIs, making it a stellar choice for web projects. 

It allows developers to create dynamic, responsive applications using reusable components and employs a virtual DOM to enhance performance.

Additionally, its capability for cross-platform development supports scalability and maintenance needs in modern web environments.

Our approach

Discover & Define

A mapping of all the flows of the platform is carried out, to analyze and evaluate the complexity and determinate possible solutions that can be given to our problem.


Ideation of visual solutions for evaluated flows, also with rapid prototyping to test the effectiveness of these solutions. Raise front-end impact if necessary.


Implement the product solutions, optimize your systems and increase the engagement of your platform.


Efficiently maintain and continuously improve your digital product to ensure ROI and ongoing value for your customers.

Technologies we use

MEAN Stack

  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Express.js (Web application framework)
  • Angular (Frontend framework)
  • Node.js (Runtime environment)

MERN Stack

  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Express.js (Web application framework)
  • React (Frontend library)
  • Node.js (Runtime environment)

LAMP Stack

  • Linux (Operating system)
  • Apache (Web server)
  • MySQL (Database)
  • PHP (Server-side scripting language)

LEMP Stack

  • Linux (Operating system)
  • Nginx (Web server)
  • MySQL (Database) or MariaDB
  • PHP (Server-side scripting language)

Ruby on Rails Stack

  • Ruby (Programming language)
  • Ruby on Rails (Web application framework)
  • PostgreSQL (Database)
  • JavaScript (Frontend scripting language)

Python-Django Stack

  • Python (Programming language)
  • Django (Web application framework)
  • PostgreSQL (Database)
  • JavaScript (Frontend scripting language)

Java Spring Stack

  • Java (Programming language)
  • Spring Framework (Application framework)
  • MySQL or PostgreSQL (Database)
  • JavaScript (Frontend scripting language)

MEVN Stack

  • MongoDB (Database)
  • Express.js (Web application framework)
  • Vue.js (Frontend framework)
  • Node.js (Runtime environment)

Serverless Stack

  • AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, or Google Cloud Functions (Serverless computing)
  • API Gateway (Serverless HTTP API management)
  • Various databases and storage services as needed
  • Frontend frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js


  • JavaScript (Frontend scripting language)
  • APIs (For dynamic functionalities)
  • Markup (Static site generator or content management system)
  • Services like Netlify or Vercel for deployment

Flutter Stack

  • Dart (Programming language)
  • Flutter (UI toolkit)
  • Various backend options (Node.js, Python, etc.)
  • Various databases as needed

Ionic Stack

  • Angular or React (Frontend frameworks)
  • Ionic (Hybrid mobile app framework)
  • Cordova or Capacitor (For accessing native device features)
  • Backend technologies as required


MVP development
3-5 months
MVP with an innovative component to increase learner engagement
4-6 months
Creation of an eLeraning module with basic features or automation of one learning management process (e.g. performance assessment)
1-3 months
Investment payback period
0.1-0.9 years /due to high value from innovate tech)
Every 2-6 weeks
Minor changes and hotfixes
Several times a day

What our clients say about us

65+ Moonshooters from 18+ countries. Over 26 clients and 40 projects. Shooting for the moon since 2020.

Working with their dedicated team of devs has sped up our achievement of business goals and R&D.

At Go1, we place a tremendous amount of importance on our relationship with Moonshot. Our collaboration has grown over the years from being an integration partner, of which we have many, to actually working on our core product. I would recommend them to anyone who values quality and world-class delivery.

Mark Bolton
VP Growth Initiatives, Go1
Valued $23B
Insights Company
I feel they help us grow as a company to achieve our aims and objectives.

There are so many things I love about working with Moonshot, but crucially it comes down to the people and culture. Their teams feel like an extension of our team and that is exactly how I like it. I feel they help us grow as a company to achieve our aims and objectives, but also help me grow as an individual.

Benjamin Pook
Head of Product, Play Verto
Valued $23B
Insights Company

Case Studies


Boosting App Growth: Targeted Messaging for English Learning

Learn more
<The Lanby>

Product Discovery: The Lanby's Primary Healthcare Innovation

Learn more
Our team is ready to work on your challenge!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Should You Hire for React Development Outsourcing?

When considering whom to hire for React development outsourcing, it is advisable to engage with a team that boasts a robust track record in React technologies, has completed similar projects, and possesses strong client references. 

The ideal candidate will demonstrate excellent problem-solving capabilities, clear communication skills, and a thorough understanding of your industry, ensuring the development aligns seamlessly with your strategic objectives.

At Moonshot Partners, we're proud to offer expert React development outsourcing tailored to your business needs. Contact Us

How Much Does it Cost to Hire ReactJS Developers?

The cost varies significantly, influenced by the developer's geographical location, experience level, specific project requirements, and the complexity of software development.

How Can You Hire Dedicated Software React.js Developers for Your Project?

Engage through established outsourcing companies that provide tailored engagement models to accommodate your project's specific needs and timelines.

Is Outsourcing React Development Advisable for Startups?

Outsourcing offers startups a financially viable way to access specialized skills and cutting-edge technology, facilitating rapid growth, scalability, and leveraging react.js development outsourcing for competitive advantage.

Let's discuss your digital product ideas and needs!

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